
Android Hand Phones

It is really very difficult to take decision on buying best mobile phones in today’s world. Now Google phones have recently become incredibly famous by introducing the Google’s Android operating system. In recent, it has become one of the most popular hand phones model on the market. Several cell phone producers were started integrating the Android operating system in their phones. By the release of smart phone technology, this phone has to contend with more competitions. When you see in normal phones the people will usually take pictures, send text messages, listen to their loved music, accessing internet, some playing games and obviously for making calls are only a few things what rc flying fish they do with it. So before choosing one of the top Android phones, you have to consider what you want the phone to do for you since many models are available readily.The top Android phones among all is Acer BeTouch E110 which is only phone released by Acer. It is capable of almost all the things that smart phones have. Another top Android phone is The Motorola Quench which is the latest model among eight available in it. This hand phone uses the Motoblur Technology which makes the social networking user to experience better and offers some other features such as Wi-Fi, GPS and camera of five megapixels. And the next Android phone is from the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 which is most respected one in the market. This phone uses the Android 1.6 operating system and combined with UX interface by Ericsson.Most popular phone The HTC Legend which has the number one rating on the Know Your Mobile dot com website. This HTC Legend is not the first Android phone but it is high demand in the market. Track pad or joystick style of control in this is one of its most famous features.Among the top rated Android hand phones in market, the LG InTouch Max GW620 is well moving phones where many air swimmers consumers who buy this one are insisting other also to have. One major benefit in this is it supports the talking battery life for eight hours. But the only drawback is the cost which is fairly an expensive one. In this you can utilize for keeping your Facebook and Twitter pages up-to-date. It also allows you to remotely access the data through your phones.T-Mobiles G2 Touch is the next hand phone after the release of G1, which rc flying fish was the initial Android hand phone with Google. This model has the better features of slide out keyboard and was rather bulky to carry. There is no need of keyboard if you favored a touch screen which now the iPhone is offering. Hand phones have definitely changes from the days come when they were built like huge breaks and could hardly fit in briefcases.Nowadays you can able to do any works such as e-mailing, video conferencing, and playing complicated games in the Android hand phones. If you have decided to buy the smart phones then you can also slightly look at these top rated Android phones.

