
Why Should You Have a Blog

Reasons Why A Blog Should Be Part Of Your Marketing Strategy1. Expose your ideasOnce you start writing and sharing your ideas the world will get to know Wholesale PSP Battery who Android OS Tablet PC you are and what type of business you are involved it. Rather than taking time to pitch your product or service to a client who may not Android OS Tablet PC need it, a blog supplants you as an information source. If a prospect contacts you, that’s great. If not, you’ve wasted no time in explaining something that generates nothing in return.2. Improve your search engine optimization(SEO) rankingsYou can get leads from visitors to your blog. If you use platforms like WordPress you can enter specific key words that will enable prospects/customers to find you. In addition blogs allow comments which become additional keywords.3. Position yourself as an expertBlogs are Sony Ericsson Cell Phones effective marketing tools used to establish authority. As a blogger you can position yourself as an expert in a subject matter. When you write, your unique style and ideas will give your business a “face” and personality.4. Influence public opinionWhen you have a following you can influence their opinion on a product or service. Make sure you do your research before you recommend a product or service.5. Engage your Customers or ProspectsBlogs enable a two way conversation between you and your customers or prospects. Comments can be used to provide testimony Android OS Tablet PC regarding your products orservices. It also gives you a chance to “shine” when you answer the questions or concerns.To Android OS Tablet PC Your Success,FlavianP.SStep out of the shadows.....setup your blog and start Promoting yourself

